Dan Spivey in NYC to support FEMA response (April 2020)

Dan Spivey in NYC to support FEMA response (April 2020)


The HealthCoach team has been working hard to battle against Covid-19. Some were on the frontlines while others were behind the scenes. Dan Spivey, our Chief Safety Officer was deployed with the FEMA task force in NYC to support the Covid-Emergency Response Team.

The HealthCoach staff reads beyond the headlines and dives into the CDC updates latest research from worldwide medical communities. We are uniquely qualified to EDUCATE, FACILITATE SCREENINGS, and provide PREVENTIVE STRATEGIES/SOLUTIONS for battling Covid-19.

D&P SME WEbinar flyer (2) (1).png


Ask Us How We Can Keep You Protected

We have the resources to help keep you and your team healthy:

  • Temperature Scanners

  • Automated External Defibrillators (AED)

  • Mobilize Interactive Trauma Kit

  • Pocket Masks and App-based First Aid Kits

  • Training Programs to Prevent Covid-Spread.

  • Antibacterial Wipes and Containers

  • Hand Sanitizers and Dispensers

  • Disinfect & Protect Services